Long Form Conversation Web App Concept




Created at 3:56 PM Sun.  Edited at 4:30 PM

The email conversation we’re having is made up of smaller sub-conversations, or topics, which (for the most part) are separated into individual paragraphs.  Each one of these boxes corresponds to a topic within the overall conversation.  Laying it out this way would eliminate having to think about how the final email is organized, allow parts of the conversation to be responded to right away or held onto for later, and offer the benefits of both email and chat messaging.

X I have no responseSubmit

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Created at 3:56 PM Sun.  Edited at 4:30 PM

A new box would appear when the other person submits a response.  A box would disappear and be sent to the history tab whenever the “I have no response” or “submit” buttons are pressed.  A button on the left and right of these boxes could be added to scroll through the history of the conversation.

XI have no responseSubmit

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Created at 3:56 PM Sun.  Edited at 4:30 PM

This app could still be used by all, only some, or none of the participants by having responses combined into one email before being sent, and having response emails parsed into the app (maybe with the help of hashtags to give each topic a title).

XI have no responseSubmit

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Created at 3:56 PM Sun.  Edited at 4:30 PM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sollicitudin vehicula velit vitae consectetur. Aliquam elit libero, rhoncus a dictum at, lacinia et erat. Pellentesque sollicitudin, nunc eu consequat pellentesque, nibh lacus fringilla justo, et vestibulum ligula odio non magna. Suspendisse finibus nisl vel est rhoncus, vel blandit mi bibendum.

XI have no responseSubmit

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